Energy Law Journal Volume 45, No. 2
Designing Durable Non-RTO Organized Markets
CeCe Coffey
The Law and Economics of Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation
Joshua Macey & Jacob Mays
Power and Politics in the Tennessee Valley
Rachel Neuburger
Innovating Smart Grid: A Utility Case Study of "Powering" Paradox
Lawrence Luong
Addressing Energy Insecurity Upstream: Electric Utility Ratemaking and Rate Design as Levers for Change
Emma Shumway, Diana Hernández, Qëndresa Krasniqi, Vivek Shastry, Abigail Austin, and Michael B. Gerrard
Book Reviews
Cheaper, Faster, Better: How We'll Win the Climate War
By Tom Steyer; Reviewed by Kenneth A. Barry
Energy Sector Reports
Report of the Electricity Committee
Practices Steering Committee Report

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The Hydrogen Pipeline Debate Requires Candid and Serious Consideration of Existing Regulatory Regimes
Richard E. Powers, Jr., Joseph R. Hicks, William G. Bolgiano - Venable LLP
The Impact of West Virginia v. EPA on Challenges to FERC’s Authority Under the Major Questions Doctrine
Donald L. R. Goodson, Institute for Policy Integrity, New York University School of Law
FERC’s Landmark Decisions and the Supreme Court’s Expanding “Major Questions Doctrine”
Harvey Reiter, Energy Law Journal Editor
Jurisdiction Over Hydrogen Pipelines and Pathways to an Effective Regulatory Regime
Michael Diamond, Van Ness Feldman
After the Storm: Changes to Texas Electricity Regulation in the Wake of Winter Storm Uri
Josiah Neeley, R Street Institute
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