An Interview with FERC Chairman Mark C. Christie
Scope 3 Emissions and the Energy Transition: A Glimpse into the Regulatory Challenges and Corporate Disclosure Practices in the Oil and Gas Industry
The complexities of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions disclosures in the oil and gas sector highlight significant regulatory challenges and varied corporate practices among industry leaders. Scope 3 emissions, which account for most of the sector’s carbon footprint, illuminate systemic barriers to achieving global climate goals.
Considerations When Evaluating a Request for a Track I, Track II, or Track III Procedural Schedule
Cases set for hearing before the Commission vary in size, scope, and complexity. Consequently, the Commission offers three distinct procedural tracks that are designed to accommodate the differing needs or circumstances of various cases.
Holding the Helm Firmly Through Stormy Seas: FERC Chairman Willie Phillips Speaks to the EBA
An Interview with FERC Chairman Willie Phillips
2024 Mid-Year Energy Forum In the Books!
A look back at the 2024 Mid-Year Energy Forum, EBA Award winners, FELJ Administrative Law Judges Reception, and more!
2024 EBA Mid-Year Energy Forum Photo Gallery
Want to revisit some of the 2024 Mid-Year Energy Forum’s best moments? Check out our photo gallery!
Efficient Development of Clean Energy Infrastructure: Converting Retired Fossil Fuel Plants to Battery Storage
One critical way that the build-out of renewable energy, vital for combating climate change, faces obstacles is in the lack of necessary infrastructure to accommodate it. The electric grid, to which all energy-generating facilities must connect to transmit power, is a critical part of this infrastructure. Battery storage helps with this buildout because it can store, and release later, wind and solar energy when their production is lower from lack of wind or sunshine.
Senator Jim Inhofe Dies at 89
Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) died on July 9, 2024. Senator Inhofe served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 1994. During his long legislative career, he was vocal on a range of issues related to the U.S. Armed Forces, infrastructure, energy and the environment.
The Office of Public Participation at FERC: From Launch to Implementation
For several decades, the American public has had substantial interest and engagement in urgent and transformative energy matters impacting their communities, including during the oil crises of the 1970s and the California energy crisis in the early 2000s. Arguably, however, over the course of this last decade, the public’s interest and demand for involvement in energy policy development has reached an all-time high resulting from the confluence of various social, environmental and economic factors.
Why We Should Not Be Quick to Move Away from Single Clearing Price Auctions in RTO
Before explaining my conclusion, it is helpful to review how single-clearing price auctions work and why they are beneficial.