Experienced members of the Energy Bar Association who wish to connect with other experienced professionals to provide resources for new attorneys, professionals, and members looking for a career shift should join the Senior Lawyers Council. Serving as ambassadors for the EBA, members of the Council connect with students, young lawyers, and the Professional Educational Council (PEC) to leverage their experiences and develop meaningful networking and educational opportunities.
The Senior Lawyers Council (formerly Masters Council) was formed to:
- Engage in the mentor/mentee program as a resource to members of the Young Lawyers Council and others;
- Serve as a resource to EBA members who are undergoing career transitions and want advice and feedback, provided in confidence, about potential career options;
- Serve as a resource to the Professional Education Council, particularly as concerns leveraging contacts and relationships to attract influential keynote speakers and panelists; and
- Serve as ambassadors for the EBA in the energy industry and legal industry.
Senior Lawyers Council Mentorship Program
The EBA Senior Lawyers Council is a group of experienced EBA members committed to mentoring other EBA members who are beginning their legal careers or considering a mid-career change. To learn more about the mentoring program, see the Mentoring Program Information page.
Other Board Officers
Richard M. Lorenzo, Loeb & Loeb LLP - EBA Board Liaison