Young Lawyer

Young Lawyer Membership

Young Lawyer membership is for attorneys who have graduated from law school within the last three years. Annual membership is the discounted annual rate of $185. Attorneys new to the field face specific challenges, and EBA, with our outstanding members, are here to help!



Energy regulation is an ever-evolving field. Stay up-to-date with EBA's wide educational offerings (many for CLE).



EBA membership provides the resources, trainings, and academies you need to thrive at any point in your career.



The EBA is a strong community of your peers in the energy law sector.

Benefits of EBA Young Attorney Membership

Network, Network, Network!

Your first few years out of law school can be overwhelming. EBA provides the opportunity to meet other energy attorneys outside of your organization or firm. Whether seeking advice, connections or simply venting frustrations, EBA members have seen it all and provide a critical look outside of your new job.

Join the Young Lawyers Council

The Young Lawyers Council provides attorneys who have been practicing 8 years or less an opportunity to connect with likeminded young professionals and seasoned practitioners. Through this council, new energy law practitioners will develop lasting relationships. Council leaders are committed to providing formal and informal networking and educational opportunities for new lawyers.

Leadership Opportunities

You aced undergrad, you got into law school, you have your first job. You're already a rock star, and now EBA offers the opportunity to keep it going! The EBA is awash with leadership opportunities, and if you make a connection that leads to a job along the way, it wouldn't be the first time!


EBA has a formal mentorship program open to all of our members. We have industry vets from all corners of the sector signed up and ready to chat! Simply reach out, schedule a coffee, and learn from the best.

Grow Your Professional Profile

Grow your profile by taking advantage of writing or speaking opportunities. See your work featured on our website and watch your career take flight.

National Meetings

The EBA hosts two multi-day events each year in Washington, DC with 400+ attendees. Enjoy keynotes from industry legends, fascinating panels, networking over a coffee, and of course plenty of CLE! The member discount at these events more than covers your annual dues. 

EBA E-Newsletters

Get access to our weekly newsletter, featuring highlights in industry news, EBA news, upcoming programs, and highlights from CFEBA and FELJ.

Volunteer For Your Regional Chapter

Truly the best opportunity to make strong connections with like-minded peers in your region is to join the board of one of our eight chapters.


Chapter Regions

Networking Events

Find out if the EBA is right for you.

Henry Lagrimini

Manager, Membership and Chapter Relations
